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My infrequent notes on the web, also called “web log” or “blog”

  1. : Setup nextcloud for local usage
  2. : Querying data from SQLite with Mayim
  3. : Setup backup on external disk
  4. : Site update
  5. : Cleaning my keyboard
  6. : Alternative Communities for Reddit on Fediverse
  7. : Writing a DICT (RFC 2229) server
  8. : 2022 in Review
  9. : Against Duolingo as a language learning platform
  10. : Bcrypt hashing time
  11. : Why I prefer remote work
  12. : Ending my short-lived experiment with OpenBSD
  13. : Friendship ended with GNU/Linux, OpenBSD is my new best friend
  14. : Introducing IPWHL: an alternative Python packaging
  15. : Using tools with appropriate ability
  16. : Implementing DICT protocol: Part 1
  17. : 2021: End of year sum up
  18. : Cars vs Bikes: The space efficiency
  19. : How to hide decorative anchor
  20. : How NOT to mess with the scroll bar
  21. : [Web Horror] Background Image
  22. : Facebook censors links to Mastodon
  23. : [IPWHL] August update
  24. : Contribute to decentralized hosting service
  25. : [Update] IPWHL: Maybe the real cheeses are the packages we helped along the way
  26. : jq is a powerful JSON processor
  27. : Paperwork
  28. : App Recommendation: Stylus
  29. : [Announcement] This site is moved to
  30. : [Sus] Social security app would like to change your system setting
  31. : [Sus] What does this Calculator calculate?
  32. : [Sus] Oxford wants to know your location!
  33. : Designing web for accessibility
  34. : I'd just like to interject for a moment
  35. : Enough for first name/last name BS
  36. : Using openring to add blogs you follow
  37. : Moving away from Big Brother(s)
  38. : Giving up on WordPress!